AHM health insurance hacked!

In a new twist, AHM, one of the largest health providers in australia, has apparently been hacked!
In an email sent out to customers this morning, they updated us on a situation where hackers compromised information stored by AHM.
The effected information is supposedly the following:

First and last names
Date of birth
Medicare Numbers
Policy Numbers
Phone Numbers
“Some” claims data

AHM also included in the email that they are currently verifying the other supposedly leaked information, including “data related to credit card security”, an extremely vauge wording, probably on purpose.

This, coming off the back of the infamous Optus hack, shows just how vulnerable even large players in the market are to cyberattacks, and how much it can effect them.
Of particular concern, is the fact that this information is more than enough to take out things like a payday loan, or other financial credit, possibly opening up the field to indentify theft.
It will be interesting to see further development with this, and if this attack is as “””sophisticated””” as the Optus hack (that being, that they just left the back door open)

This doesn’t look good for AHM, but i’ll keep this blog updated with information.

P.S: Here are the direct emails for anyone interested!
First email
Second email